Sunday, June 26, 2011

Le Infiorate

Today, Sunday, is a special day for a couple of local towns.  It is Le infiorate, which after Eastertime, they celebrate the miracle of the eucharist of Christ.  All night long, teams place flower petals, leaves and seeds in elaborate designs throughout  Spello. We wondered what they did on windy days? Anyway,  the pictures usually tell Christian stories and they are truly spectacular up and down the narrow hilly streets.  Needless to say, the entire nation showed up at 7am when it opened.

Noah & the Ark
Last Supper
The turtle shell is artichoke leaves!
Some of the tapestries are done by families in front of their homes, done by flowers grown in their own garden.  Our children were invited to help create a small one and Kira's job was framing the picture with  pink hydrangea  petals.

1 comment:

  1. WOW - there are not words. I got goose bumps looking at your pictures! Amazing!!
